
I am proud to be an active leader and member of my profession, university, and community. I seek to build community, promote diversity, and foster inclusion within my spheres of activity. Read below to see how!

service to the profession

Workshops organized

  • Counterfactual Black Swans Workshop. August 26-27, 2019 at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Read my blog post about the workshop here, and the workshop report here.

Sessions convened

  • Natural Hazards Workshop and Researchers Meeting. Transdisciplinary data convergence in the Asia-Pacific region. July 18, 2019 in Broomfield, CO. Read about our session here.

Sessions chaired

  • Asia Oceania Geosciences Society Annual Meeting. Natural Hazards and Disaster Risk: Current and Historical Perspectives. July 31, 2019 in Singapore.
  • American Society of Engineering Education, St Lawrence Section Conference. Session A2: Outreach and STEM Initiatives and Session B2: Exploring Methods to Address Undergraduate Research. April 21, 2018 in Ithaca, NY.

Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI)

EERI is a national, nonprofit, technical, and highly interdisciplinary society dedicated to reducing and understanding earthquake risk as it applies to the physical, social, economic, and political environments. In addition to the national parent organization, there are student chapters nationwide, as well as the Student Leadership Council made up of graduate students from across the country.

Younger Members Committee

  • YMC Seminar Series Co-Chair. 2019-2020. Connect YMC members to international student chapters to coordinate seminars.

Learning from Earthquakes (LFE) Committee Member

Student Leadership Council

  • Co-President. 2017-2018. Collaborate with fellow co-president and EERI staff to lead SLC members in organizing the 15th Annual Undergraduate Seismic Design Competition, the Post-Earthquake Reconnaissance Workshop, outreach initiatives, and more. Planning during the year is done entirely via teleconferences, which demands strong written and oral communication skills.
  • Secretary. 2016-2017. Compile meeting notes, streamline group resources and communication avenues, and organized judges and general logistics for 33 domestic and international teams competing at the 14th Annual Undergraduate Seismic Design Competition
  • Cornell University Representative. 2015-2018. Represent Cornell University on the Student Leadership Council, a group of 16 graduate students across the country whose goals include academic resources, outreach, and service in the earthquake engineering field

Cornell Student Chapter

  • Vice President. 2015-2018. Organize annual speaker for graduate students and support operations for the student chapter

University of Colorado Student Chapter

  • President. 2013-2014. Established the Facilitating Learning About Seismic Hazard Seminar (FLASH) Series, dedicated to providing an accessible seminar once a month for graduate students, given by earthquake-engineering researchers from across disciplines at the University of Colorado Boulder. Planned and organized semesterly outreach program about structural engineering for local high school students through hands-on design projects

service to the university

Asian School of the Environment (ASE) and the Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS) Postdoc Group

  • Professional Development Q&A Series for ASE and EOS Postdocs. 2019-present. Founder and current organizer of monthly Q&A series to help postdocs prepare for next steps in their career. Read more about this series here.

Singapore Humanitarian Network

  • Data Management and Modelling Working Group Co-Chair. 2018-present. Connect researchers within Singapore in the humanitarian research space.

Engineering Graduate Student Association (EGSA)

EGSA represents the entire graduate student body within the College of Engineering at Cornell University. EGSA is responsible for social, professional, and academic events throughout the year, is entirely student-run, and serves as a platform for individual engineering departments to collaborate and communicate across disciplines.

  • Vice President. 2017-2018. Oversee student activities, including networking opportunities, interdepartmental collaborations, and social events
  • Interdepartmental Chair. 2016-2017. Provide resources and platforms for departments within the Engineering College to collaborate on social, academic, and extracurricular activities

Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduate Student Association (CEE GSA)

CEE GSA represents the entire graduate student body within Civil and Environmental Engineering at Cornell University. CEE GSA is responsible for social, professional, and academic events throughout the year, and is entirely student-run.

  • President. 2015-2016. Oversee the activity of the CEE Graduate Students, a body of about 180 students and a budget of $10k, in order to meet and enrich the academic, professional, and social needs of graduate students
  • Graduate Student Seminar Chair. 2014-2015, 2017-2018. Founded the Graduate Student Seminar, a monthly seminar and social hour featuring the research and interests of CEE graduate students. The seminar exclusively features student speakers and is entirely student-run. Responsibilities include finding speakers and coordinating each seminar event
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering Field Representative. 2014-2015. Represent the CEE field in the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly, a legislative group for graduate and professional students and liaison group between students and the Cornell administration
  • Photographer. 2016-2017. Take photos at events and choose photos to upload to social media

Undergraduate & Peer Mentoring

  • femSTEM at Cornell. Spring 2017. Mentor a first year undergraduate who is also a first-generation college undergraduate from a traditionally under-represented group in STEM via targeted goal setting and accountability
  • Women in Science Project at Dartmouth. 2009-2011. Peer mentor to a first-year undergraduate women in STEM, offering moral support, networking, and academic guidance

Dartmouth Alumni Interviews

  • Interviewer (2011 - present): Interview prospective undergraduate applicants to Dartmouth and write a summary of each candidate for review by the Dartmouth Admissions Office. About 3 interviews per year.

community outreach

  • Graduate Student School Outreach Program (GRASSHOPR) at Cornell University. Spring 2018. Teaching Fellow: Co-teach a 3 lesson mini-course to a local kindergarten classroom, working closely with an elementary school teacher to develop and implement an effective and meaningful classroom experience.
      • Course Description: Titled Built to Stand!, this course introduces students to the role of an engineer. Students build structures out of newspaper in the first lesson, and move into more complicated truss- structures using pasta as members. The importance of structures in the context of natural hazards is also emphasized.
  • Expanding Your Horizons at Cornell University. Spring 2017. Volunteer: Help with registration at an all-day camp for high school girls in the central New York area to explore STEM fields through hands-on activities and exciting demonstrations
  • Exploring Young Engineers and Scientists’ Lego Robotics Outreach. 2014-2015. Volunteer: Lead a weekly session at Ithaca area elementary schools to introduce students to engineering and programming through Lego Mindstorms
  • After School Science. 2010-2011. Secretary and Volunteer: Planned, organized, and volunteered at weekly science projects for Upper Valley area (VT/NH) elementary and middle school students

Friendship Donations Network (FDN)

  • Volunteer (2016 - present): Write spotlights on FDN partners, including food partners and food donors, to raise awareness for food needs in the greater Ithaca area. See articles below.

+ Ithaca Rescue Mission

+ Ithaca Collegetown 7-Eleven